Tuesday, February 09, 2010

i can't decide

Tired. Today was great. Had a fun prata dinner and more rock band. I love listening to The Coral on the way to school. I almost don't wanna get off the bus sometimes you know.

Don't you just love people who annoy you? I'm glad there are people still around to do that. I know I'm no Aristotle or whoever but sometimes when I look at you I just feel like...what the hell is going on in your head? Sometimes it just irks me a lot, irks me that you...are satisfied so easily. I know I shouldn't judge, who knows what you might be thinking about all day. Still, still, stilllll. Irks me how you're so lazy to think sometimes...I'm sorry. And I'm not telling anyone this until I'm sure of how to do it without sounding horrible.

Argh. I'm so sorry. And you're not even reading this. I can't stand people who talk to people through blogs because they're cowards. I'm a coward. I'm a coward for your own good. Actually maybe not. Life is quite tiring business man.

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