Thursday, January 21, 2010

'sheer ingenuity'

Sometimes I open the door and I wonder how I got myself home. [Not dementia]. It's just that feeling of 'I was there and now I'm here'. Somehow it just like happens everyday.

On the bus home I was thinking about this scene in Igby Goes Down where Igby is punching his mother's dead body. It's gross but I couldn't help but imagine all the dead organs in her body just being pushed and squirming around. And at that moment I genuinely believed that we had to have souls, mostly because I'm not accepting the idea that I'm only made of cells. Will contradict myself later.

Speaking of movies. I'm no movie buff so I can't critique a movie objectively but I have realised one thing that shows I really enjoyed one. And that's when I look at the movie poster after I've watched it and still feel excited and proud. Because some movies just make you wonder if you're watching the right one, all the useless hype.

All, or a hell lot of those self-help books out there will tell you not to let external events affect your internal situation. I kept telling that to myself everyday to keep my head above water until I asked this question...if external events don't affect your internal situation then what does? Sounds like a dumb question but I really don't know.

The Real Tuesday Weld- Last Words

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