Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I've got Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds stuck in my head. It's such a lovely song, and I'm gonna ignore the whole LSD thing.

Next time I should set my status to Away when I'm Away. Sorry. Anyway...Sometimes, and most of the time I don't tell people how much I appreciate them. I think I'm scared they'll be weirded out or think I'm trying to suck up. Such a horrible impression of the world I have.

I had a dream yesterday where hippies were telling us how they plan to change the world. Maybe I'm a secret hippie. Oh no.

I can't sleep properly if I think that something is left hanging because a lot of weird things happen overnight. You wake up the next day and realise that you don't feel like talking to someone anymore, or you fall asleep totally well and wake up sick. All the weird things happen overnight. Good things happen overnight too of course. But sometimes I feel like calling someone up before I go to sleep just to make sure things won't change the next day. There are days where I want to call everyone. I wonder when this feeling will go away. :( Someday, or maybe never.

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